Harmony Hall
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Harmony Hall Plantation Village  will observe Cannon Day this Fifth  Sunday May 31 as scheduled.  Bobby Lewis, Field Marshall has packed 3  cannons to be observed and fired.  Volunteers are invited to learn  canyoneering and assist actually firing the guns. 

Cannons also fired last  Sunday in observance of Memorial Sunday.  Tomahawks will be flung during  the opening from 2-4 PM.   Self-guided tours will be available as well  as assistance thru the 255 year old house built about 1760 and still on its  original foundation.  Other structures were moved to the property to save  endangered buildings. 

The Dublin Scout Troop is occupying the old Cain  Kitchen as a Scout Hut on the property and will make minimal improvements as  well as clean up the farm stead and prepare it for animals to occupy the farm  stead.  The General Store will be open for browsing and purchasing unique  gift ideas and sodas.  Visit the Chapel and plan a wedding or repeat of  your wedding vows. 

If you have questions or wish to schedule a special  showing call Bobby Lewis at 910-874-4011Volunteer Daniel Pates has just  groomed the plantation.

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