Thoughts While Shaving
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Baby, it’s wet outside….forecast is for less rain later today and tomorrow…

More jobs available in Bladen…Formal ceremony at Smithfield Foods yesterday opening new expansion, new hires should total 250 or so between now and early 2019, and WARP Company in Clarkton is seeking to add another 75 to 100 employees in the next few months…

Don’t want to hear…there are no jobs….there are jobs and more on the way, and if you need a technical skill, check with Bladen Community College.

Speaking of BCC, changes at the top, Dr. Bill Findt is retiring and Dr. Amanda K. Lee will be the new President…Expect the same quality service…

Bladen County still very much in the news, not all good, but will work through all the issues over time and hopefully ‘move on’, to bigger and better things.

Will there be new elections for the Congressional District?…depends on who is speaking, but chances seem to be improving for that scenario.  Means we will have no representation in Washington for a few months…

FEMA has extended the registration deadline for NEW (individual assistance), new deadline is December 19, next Wednesday.

Since the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Florence, Bladen County residents have received nearly $11.5 million in state and federal funds.

Bladen County Commissioners meet Monday, regular session, 6:30PM in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the courthouse. Public is welcomed.

Bladen is a busy place.

Stock market ‘stinks’.  No recession, yet.  Looked up definition of depression:

1) A decline of real GDP exceeding 10%,

2) A recession lasting 2 or more years.

We are not there and hope we do not go there.  Despite the ‘bump’ in the economy, there are some good signs, if we don’t ‘mess’ it up.

Great political quotes:

“Make love, not war?  By the looks of you, you don’t look like you could do much of either.”  Ronald Reagan

On getting old….”Yes.  But my eyesight is getting bad.” Former First Lady Barbara Bush, asked in 2002 if she still considered her husband to be the most handsome man in the world.

“Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game and dumb enough to think its important.” Minnesota Senator Eugene McCarthy (1959-1971), explaining his profession to The Washington Post on November 12, 1967.

robert g hester



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