Thoughts While Shaving
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2019 is underway and so much going on today, this week and beyond.

Friday was a huge day on the stock market, will it continue?

NFL football playoffs underway with a couple of interesting games Saturday and Sunday, especially the Eagles vs Bears. Bears missed a field goal at the end of the game…and are out.  Playoffs resume this weekend.

In the meantime, the NCAA will crown a champion tonight.  Alabama will attempt to stay at the top of the list, Clemson will be trying to de-throne them, again.  Should be a great game, being played in California.  Game time is 8 p.m. local time and televised on ESPN.

Bladen County Commissioners meet today in regular session, 6:30 p.m.  The meeting is held in the courthouse and is open to the public.

Property taxes, due September, 2018, must be paid by closing time today (Monday) or a penalty will be added.  No complaining, been due better part of 4 months…(N.C. law)…

US National Debt Clock is running wide-open.  Early this AM, it was $25,191,875,500,000, or $80,917 per citizen or $139,177 per taxpayer and growing.

Apparently, no real progress between our distinguished leaders in DC on re-opening all departments of the federal government…Think all paychecks should cease, all or none, all on the same team…..including lawmakers and administration, anyone that receives a federal paycheck…Those that do the ‘heavy lifting’ are not receiving one…why should anyone else.

BladenOnline still adjusting to new system, still not sure of numbers, but working on it….Running a week late.

Most Read Stories for week of Dec. 23-29:

1,425: New business open in Elizabethtown

1,362: Bladen County election investigation links

1,201: Two Bladen residents to have court cases heard in January

You can also read BladenOnline on Facebook and Twitter in addition to our online edition, soon beginning year our 11th year of service…

One more thought, Star Telephone is teaming with Foundation for Rural Service to offer scholarships to High School Seniors.  Details on Star TMC Home Page.

Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice.  Stephen R. Covey

Everything’s a choice.  Nobody is born good.  Nobody’s born evil.  It’s always a choice.  Tom Hiddleston

Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people.  A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.  Franklin D. Roosevelt

robert g hester



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