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The votes were cast for the Bladen’s Best of the Best contest in January. Almost 1,500 entries were submitted. Each entry was made from a different electronic device to help keep the contest fair and unbiased.

“We are really excited about our first annual Bladen’s Best of the Best. We are looking forward to making the announcement of all of the winners. Right now our staff is busy tabulating the results,” said General Manager Erin Smith.

Our team at BladenOnline.com is very excited about this contest. We are looking forward to promoting our local businesses and people. The winners will be announced in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place order in the Bladen’s Best of the Best digital special section.

The special section will be published on the February 13, 2019. Our team will do a live video on our Facebook page to announce the placements the day we publish the special section.

The first place winners will receive a special certificate after they are announced in the Bladen’s Best of the Best special section. The first place winners will also be mentioned in our next issue of Bladen Count Beautiful.

It would be beneficial for any of Bladen County’s businesses to advertise in this special section for several reasons.

1. This online section will be a directory for visitors and residents to find the best of what Bladen County has to offer. Advertisers will reach targeted audiences 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
2. This special publication will feature Bladen’s Best of the Best. Businesses advertised in the section will be associated with the best even if they didn’t rank in the top spot.
3. Bladen’s Best of the Best is a low cost investment that may bring you and your business top of the mind awareness and a return on your investment!
4. Every business and professional who would like to thank Bladen County and BladenOnline.com readers may advertise in this special section.

Reserve your space today! Contact 910-879-1029 or email bladenonline.com@gmail.com for more information.

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