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By Cheryl Thurston

Well here we are in March already. Remember the old adage: March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb? That used to mean it started cold and ended warm, but after the 70 degree days we had in February, having a 56 degree day to start March doesn’t really look much like a lion, or even a hungry kitten. With only 3 weeks till spring begins we may have escaped the threat of snow and ice, but I shouldn’t speak too soon. Another arctic blast could make me shiver my timbers.

So, where did you take your Sweetheart out to eat for Valentine’s Day last month? Did you check the sanitation grade of the restaurant? The fine folks over at the Bladen County Health Department make monthly rounds to restaurants, diners, cafeterias, meat markets, and day care centers; inspecting for healthy conditions and workers following food safety protocols. They work to keep our food supply safe. Those other fine folks at BladenOnline.com publish the sanitation reports every month as a community service because bringing you the news you need to know is what they do best.

Check out the list of eateries that were inspected in February to see who scored a 100% sanitation grade, and who got a 99.5. (I wonder what the score would be in my own kitchen.) Anyway, bon appitité.


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