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This Day In History1822 – Congress combines East & West Florida into Florida Territory.

1842 – Ether used as an anesthetic for 1st time by Dr. Crawford Long (Georgia)

1867 – US buys Alaska from Russia for $7,200,000 (2 cents an acre – Seward’s Folly)

1870 – 15th Amendment to the US constitution is adopted, guarantees right to vote regardless of race.

1909 – New York’s Queensboro Bridge opens, linking Manhattan & Queens.

1910 – Mississippi Legislature founded The University of Southern Mississippi.

1922 – WWL-AM in New Orleans LA begins radio transmissions.

1950 – Phototransistor invention announced, Murray Hill, New Jersey.

1952 – 6th Tony Awards: “The Fourposter” and “The King & I” win.

1961 – NASA civilian pilot Joseph A Walker takes X-15 169,600′ (51,690 m)

1961 – The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs is signed at New York.

1964 – Astronaut John Glenn withdraws from Ohio senate race.

1965 – Vietnam War: A car bomb explodes in front of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, killing 22 and wounding 183 others.

1981 – US President Ronald Reagan is shot and wounded in an assassination attempt by John Hinckley, Jr.; three others are also wounded.

1983 – New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) begins trading in crude oil future.

1984 – World’s most valuable tip – New York police detective Robert Cunningham offers waitress Phyllis Penzo half of a $1 lottery ticket, next day they win $6 million.

1991 – William Kennedy Smith allegedly rapes a woman (found no guilty)

2012 – MasterCard and Visa announce a massive breach in security with over ten million compromised credit card numbers.

2012 – American Mega Millions lottery hits a world record lottery amount of 640 million dollars.

2017 – North Carolina repeals its controversial bathroom law that restricted transgender use.

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