Thoughts While Shaving
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On the way home from DC.
Been a good, hopefully productive trip to Washington.
Spent considerable time Tuesday with Elizabethtown native Bryan Martin.  Bryan has been a part of the late Congressman Walter Jones staff for the past 4 years.  Jones died late last year, a primary elections will be held shortly for a new 3rd District Congressman, probably will not know the eventual winner ’til early fall.  In the meantime, Martin and the DC staff are preparing for the winner, all facing an uncertain future.
Had the pleasure of visiting in the House Chamber, the same place where the president presents his annual State of the Union speech, thanks to Bryan.
Martin is former planning director for the town of Elizabethtown.
In the afternoon, met with the staff of Sen. Tom Tillis staff, along with others from North Carolina, lobbying for more favorable legislation on behalf of rural telephone coops.
All in all, a good day and hopefully a safe trip home today (Wednesday) and back a regular routine.
Whiteville native MacKenzie Gore is off to a great start in the California baseball league.  He has not allowed an earned run in 2 outings this season.  The San Diego Padres number 1 pick in the baseball draft a couple of years ago, was handicapped last year with blisters on his pitching hand.  In rare form early this year.
Why are frogs so happy?  They eat whatever bugs them.
When do people start using their trampoline?  Spring-time.
Let me make this simple, I want to be invited but I don’t want to go.
robert g hester

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