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There was plenty to celebrate this past Saturday at the Bladen County Democratic Party’s first business meeting under the new leadership of the youngest chairman in the state, Zane Singletary. The meeting not only provided an introduction to newly elected officials, but also celebrated Mrs. V. Marie Robinson for her years of service to the Board of Elections for the Democratic Party.

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Mrs. Robinson was honored with special words, a plaque of recognition, and a delicious cake. According to many in attendance she has been a huge asset to the Democratic Party.

The newly appointed, Zane Singletary took his post as the chairman of the party and said, “I am very excited about leading the Democratic Party for the next two years and I am honored that our local party had the confidence to elect me to be the youngest chairman in the state.” He continued, “I have a wonderful and supportive group who will be working with me.”

Zane announced the leadership of the Bladen County Democratic Party with Althea Lesane as the first vice-chair, Cristin Hursey, as the second vice-chair, Joseph Thompson, being the third vice-chair, and Iris Martin remains the treasurer.  Zane announced Heather Guyton Thompson as the new Secretary and Teen Liaison.

He said, “Heather teaches at the Clarkton School of Discovery and is the State Director for the Junior Beta Club.  She really has a gift for working with, and inspiring young people.   This will be our charter chapter of the new Teen Democrats.  Although we certainly need the support and guidance of our more established Democrats, I also believe it is crucial to get the younger generation involved in the party. They are the voice of the future and need to be aware of what is happening in our county, our state and our world.”

The new Teen Democratic Chapter leadership will be Tavoy Walls as the Teen President, Abby Ward as the Teen Vice President, and Jessica Lopez, as the Teen Secretary. Zane said, ”Additionally, we have a new Democratic Ambassador program for young people between the ages of 10 and 16 that is being led by Teresa Horton and Angela Brisson.  These Ambassadors will help out at meetings, political events and social occasions.  Anyone interested in joining this group can call 910-862-8870 for further information. 

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Democratic Party is scheduled for August 22 of this year at 10 o’clock in the morning in the Superior Courtroom of the Bladen County Courthouse.

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