Spread the love

By Charlotte Smith

The theme for the first part of the Bladen County Board of Commissioners meeting seemed to be dedication and service to community. Mrs. Sherry Dowless, Mr. Bradley Kinlaw, and Bladen County Nurses were all given recognition at the Bladen County Board of Commissioners meeting on Monday evening, May 6. 

Director of Nursing, Debra Conner was presented with the National Nurses’ Week Proclamation by the Bladen County Board of Commissioners. Beside her stood many nurses from the county.

Chairman of the Bladen County Board of Commissioners, Charles Ray Peterson said, “Nurses care for all of us. Bladen County celebrates nurses and we want to show our appreciation for all nurses.”

He added, “I can’t remember where, but it said, it’s four million strong, Registered Nurses. Thank you ladies.”

Sherry Dowless retired effective May 1, 2019, following a sixteen-year tenure with the County of Bladen. Most recently, Mrs. Dowless served the Department of Social Services as Administrative Officer.

Vickie Smith, Director of the Department of Social Services spoke highly of Dowless and her work ethic. Smith told Dowless, “I appreciate all the hard work and dedication you gave to the agency.”

Dowless was presented with a plaque of appreciation from the Commissioners. Dowless thanked the county for her career and said her goal now is to spend more quality time with her family.

Bradley Kinlaw was recognized for his years of service to the county. Mr. Kinlaw began his employment with Bladen County as an Emergency Medical Technician in August 2009, and was later named Emergency Services Director on December 13, 2009.  He will be departing Bladen County effective May 17, 2019.

Bladen County Manager, Greg Martin gave testimony of the many achievements Kinlaw has made during his tenor with the county. “It is certainly bittersweet for me because I hate to see him go, but I certainly thank him for his service and his strong leadership. He has served our county well.”

Kinlaw was presented with a plaque of appreciation from the commissioners. Kinlaw said, “I thank you for the opportunity and I am here if I can help any of you.”

View video of the presentations:

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