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1777 – 1st ice cream advertisement (Philip Lenzi in the NY Gazette)
1792 – Toilet that flushes itself at regular intervals is patented.
1865 – Last land action of Civil War at Palmito Ranch, Texas.
1888 – Crouching start 1st used in track and field by Charles Sherrill of Yale.
1902 – 140,000 miners of anthracite coal in Pennsylvania go out on a strike called by the United Mine Workers after the owners have refused to recognize the UMW, negotiate or submit to arbitration.
1921 – National Hospital Day 1st observed in the United States.
1928 – Second Opium Law introduced – International law to control drugs.
1933 – Federal Emergency Relief Administration & Agricultural Adjustment Administration form to help the needy & farmers.
1942 – Nazi U-boat sinks American cargo ship at mouth of Mississippi River.
1955 – Chicago Cub Sam Jones is 1st black to pitch no-hitter (Pirates, 4-0)
1968 – “March of Poor” under Rev. Ralph Abernathy reach Washington, D.C.
1978 – US Commerce Department says hurricane names will no longer be only female.
1982 – US Football League forms.
1986 – President Regan appoints Dr. James C. Fletcher NASA Administrator.
1990 – Comic Relief USA ’90 (4th one) raises $4.7 million.
1991 – A new cancer drug is announced which can only be found in bark of a rare tree in the Pacific Northwest.
1995 – Dow Jones for 5th straight day of the week sets a new record (4430.59)
2002 – Former US President Jimmy Carter arrives in Cuba for a five-day visit with Fidel Castro becoming the first President of the United States, in or out of office, to visit the island since Castro’s 1959 revolution.
2003 – Fifty-nine Democratic lawmakers bring the Texas Legislature to a standstill by going into hiding in a dispute over a Republican congressional redistricting plan.

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