Thoughts While Shaving
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High School graduation and various award programs being held this time of year. After children and grandchildren have moved on in life, easy to forget the excitement of end-of-school-year functions. Social media is a great way for senior citizens to stay in touch.

For those of us over the hill, Dick Tracy comic strip was beyond my ability to comprehend, frankly. Folks walking around talking on telephones … common today. Have a relative on a ship in a far-a-way location and his mom can communicate with him. Social media has changed the world, for the better in many instances.

While on the topic of yesteryear and changing the topic, remember cranking an auto, truck or maybe a tractor with a hand crank, probably not the real name for it. You would attempt to ‘spend’ the motor by hand and cause it to crank. Was too young to participate, but saw many … Remember hearing older folks warn of it ‘kicking back’.

Some of us are old enough to remember the ringing of church bells when WW II came to an end, in the 40s. It was a time to celebrate.

Remember when churches had revivals and the minister preached hell-fire and damnation, could stir-up many of those attending, have folks walking the aisles … while the congregation sung every verse of ‘Just As I Am’. We live in a different time. Not suggesting ‘times’ are better or worse, but different. Those days produced such leaders as Billy Graham and other great evangelist.

Just thinking out loud! Hope your day is good.

President Lyndon Johnson on the News Media. “If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: ‘President Can’t Swim.'”

President Ronald Reagan on Abortion. “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”

“When there is lack of honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned.” President Herbert Hoover

robert g hester

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