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1623 – 1st breach-of-promise lawsuit: Rev. Gerville Pooley, Virginia files against Cicely Jordan, he loses.

1642 – 1st compulsory education law in America passed by Massachusetts.

1834 – Sandpaper patented by Isaac Fischer Jr., Springfield, Vermont.

1900 – Having been annexed to the USA on August 12, 1898, Hawaii is constituted as an organized territory.

1916 – Democratic Convention convenes in St. Louis; Woodrow Wilson campaigns on the slogan “he kept us out of the war”

1922 – US President Warren G. Harding is 1st US President to use radio, dedicates the Francis Scott Key memorial in Baltimore.

1928 – Republican National Convention, meeting in Kansas City, nominates Herbert Hoover for President.

1938 – Chlorophyll patented by Benjamin Grushkin.

1941 – Ground broken for Boeing Plant II (ex-AFLC Plant 13) Wichita, Kansas.

1944 – 1st B-29 raid against mainland Japan.

1951 – 1st commercial computer, UNIVAC 1, enters service at Census Bureau.

1954 – President Eisenhower signs order adding words “under God” to the pledge.

1967 – California Governor Ronald Reagan signs the Therapeutic Abortion Act, legalizing abortions in the state under certain circumstances, the second state after Colorado to do so.

1973 – US President Richard Nixon administration imposes 60-day economy-wide price freeze, superseding Special Rule No. 1 for oil companies.

1984 – Southern Baptist convention decide no women clergy members.

1989 – Groundbreaking begins in Minnesota on world’s largest mall.

1990 – Supreme Court rules police check for drunk drivers constitutional.

1993 – Ruth Bader Ginsburg is nominated to the United States Supreme Court by President Bill Clinton.

2013 – The US government charges NSA leaker Edward Snowden with violating the Espionage Act and theft of government property.

2017 – US Senate approves new sanctions against Russia as punishment for meddling in the 2016 election.

2018 – US government confirms 1,500 boys being held separated from their parents in Casa Padre, shelter facility for illegal immigrants in a former Walmart in Brownsville, Texas.

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