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1716 – James Otis publishes views on taxation without representation.

1829 – William Austin Burt patents America’s first “typographer” (typewriter)

1872 – African American inventor Elijah McCoy is granted a patent for lubricators for steam-engines.

1904 – Ice cream cone created during St. Louis World Fair – the 1st cone reputedly by Charles E. Menches.

1917 – Cleveland Metropolitan Park District established.

1937 – Isolation of pituitary hormone announced (Yale University)

1943 – US 45th Infantry division occupies north coast of Termini.

1947 – 1st (US Navy) air squadron of jets, Quonset Point, Rhode Island.

1956 – Bell X-2 rocket plane sets world aircraft speed record of 3,050 kph.

1959 – US Vice President Richard Nixon begins visit to USSR.

1964 – Kansas City A’s Bert Campaneris HRs on 1st pitch, hits a 2nd HR on 2nd at bat.

1966 – Napoleon XIV releases “They’re Coming to Take Me Away, Ha! Ha!”

1973 – Ozark AL plane knocked out of air by lightning, St. Louis-36 die.

1973 – US President Richard Nixon refuses to release Watergate tapes of conversations in the White House relevant to the Watergate investigation.

1980 – Billy Carter admits to being paid by Libya.

1994 – Space shuttle STS-65: Columbia 17, lands after record 14 days, 55 minutes.

1995 – Comet Hale-Bopp is discovered and becomes visible to the naked eye nearly a year later.

1997 – The US State Department rules that Turkey’s agreement to purchase $23 billion worth of natural gas from Iran does not violate the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act.

2015 – NASA’s Kepler mission announces discovery of the most Earth-like planet yet – Kepler-452b, 1,400 light years from Earth.

2018 – International Monetary Fund predicts inflation of 1 million percent in Venezuela by end of 2018.

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