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LindsayEach year Kiwanis of Elizabethtown/Bladen County gives two scholarships to graduating seniors – one from East Bladen and one from West Bladen. This year the recipient of the East Bladen scholarship is Lindsay Bockover (pictured receiving check from President – Jeff Futrell). Lindsay is planning to attend the University of North Carolina Wilmington where she is majoring in education. The recipient from West Bladen high school is Colby Lewis (pictured receiving check from Secretary – Dr. Lisa Bryan). Colby is planning to attend Campbell University and plans to become a pharmacist.


Both graduates received their scholarships at the Kiwanis meeting on June 16, 2015 at the Elizabethtown Farmers Market. Both graduates brought their families and enjoyed a great meal with the Kiwanis members.

If you are interested in applying for the 2016 scholarship, please see your school guidance counselor or email us at kiwanisbladen@gmail.com for an application.

The Kiwanis group of Elizabethtown/Bladen County is involved in numerous local and international efforts to support children. The club helps sponsor a cabin at Lake Waccamaw Boys and Girls Home along with sponsoring a Christmas Shopping trip for the girls in the cabin. If you are interested in learning more about Kiwanis, contact kiwanisbladen@gmail.com or find us on Facebook – www.facebook.com/kiwanisetown

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