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1837 – Steamboat “Home” sinks off Okracoke, North Carolina, killing 100.

1855 – American inventor Isaac Singer patents sewing machine motor.

1888 – Washington Monument opens for public admittance.

1903 – 11″ rainfall in 24 hours (NYC)

1936 – Hoover Dam begins transmitting electricity to Los Angeles.

1941 – US President Franklin D. Roosevelt approves an atomic program that would become the Manhattan Project.

1946 – First electric blanket manufactured; sold for $39.50.

1947 – First telephone conversation between a moving car & a plane.

1959 – Lee Harvey Oswald arrives in Southampton, England.

1961 – US members of communist party obliged to report themselves to police.

1962 – NASA civilian test pilot John B McKay takes X-15 to 39,200 m.

1963 – Hurricane Flora ravages Cuba & Haiti, kills 6,000.

1977 – Yanks rally for 3 in 9th & beat Royals 5-3 for pennant #31.

1980 – 1st consumer use of home banking by computer by United American Bank in Knoxville, Tennessee.

1984 – Kathy Sullivan becomes 1st US woman to walk in space.

1991 – President Bush declares “total confidence” in nominee Clarence Thomas.

2001 – Second mailing of anthrax letters from Trenton, New Jersey in the 2001 anthrax attack.

2014 – Gatwick, Heathrow and JFK airports enhance screening for the Ebola virus.

2016 – Second US Presidential debate: Hostile confrontation between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at Washington University, St. Louis.

2018 – President Trump’s ambassador to the United States, Nikki Haley says she is resigning at the end of the year.

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