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1852 – Franklin Pierce elected as President of US.

1867 – Women’s fashion magazine “Harper’s Bazaar” is 1st published.

1889 – North Dakota becomes 39th & South Dakota becomes 40th state in the United States.

1907 – US banker J.P. Morgan locks over 40 bankers in his library to force them to find ways to avert New York banking crisis.

1920 – Warren G. Harding is elected President of the United States, defeating Democrat candidate James M. Cox.

1947 – Howard Hughes flies “Spruce Goose”, a huge wooden airplane for the first and last time.

1948 – US President Harry Truman is re-elected in an upset victory over Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey.

1950 – The Clover Dairy Company test-market the first concentrated milk (Sealtest) in the U.S. in Wilmington, Delaware.

1954 – Charles Diggs,Jr. is elected Michigan’s 1st black congressman to the House of Representatives.

1954 – Strom Thurmond is the 1st US senator elected by write-in vote (South Carolina)

1959 – Charles Van Doren confesses that TV quiz show “Twenty One” was rigged.

1960 – Penguin Books cleared of obscenity for publishing DH Lawrence’s “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”

1976 – Democrat candidate Jimmy Carter is elected President of the United States, defeating incumbent Republican President Gerald Ford.

1983 – US President Ronald Reagan signs bill establishing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

1984 – Velma Barfield (NC) becomes the first female executed in the United States since 1952.

1988 – The Morris worm, first internet-distributed computer worm to gain mainstream media attention launched from MIT, strikes Pentagon, SDI research lab & 6 universities.

1993 – Rudy Giuliani wins the New York mayoral election, becomes 1st Republican mayor since 1965.

2012 – New York City Marathon cancelled because of the effects of Hurricane Sandy in NYC the week before.

2017 – Jerome Powell nominated by US President Donald Trump to be next Chair of the Federal Reserve.

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