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1812 – James Madison re-elected President of the US, Elbridge Gerry, Vice-President.

1823 – President James Monroe declares his “Monroe Doctrine”, a US foreign policy regarding Latin America.

1867 – In a New York City theater, British author Charles Dickens gives his first public reading in the United States.

1899 – US & Germany agree to divide Samoa between them.

1901 – King C. Gillette begins selling safety razor blades.

1927 – 1st Model A Ford sold for $385.

1939 – NY’s La Guardia Airport began operation as an airliner from Chicago lands, 1 minute after midnight.

1941 – US Naval Intelligence ceases bugging Japanese consul.

1941 – Japanese Marshal Admiral Yamamoto sends his fleet to Pearl Harbor.

1954 – US Senate censures Joseph McCarthy (Sen-R-Wisc) for “conduct that tends to bring Senate into dishonor & disrepute”

1957 – 1st US large scale nuclear power plant for peacetime use opens, Shippingport, Pennsylvania.

1968 – US President Richard Nixon names Henry Kissinger security advisor.

1969 – Boeing 747 jumbo jet 1st public preview (Seattle to NYC)

1970 – Environmental Protection Agency begins in the US under Director William Ruckelshaus.

1972 – “December Giant” largest sinkhole in US collapses (Alabama)

1979 – Crowds attack US embassy in Tripoli, Libya.

1988 – STS-27 Atlantis launched (Secret military mission)

1990 – US 69th manned space mission STS 35 (Columbia 11) launches into orbit.

2001 – Enron files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the Southern District of New York.

2014 – Stephen Hawking claims that Artificial Intelligence could be a “threat to mankind” and spell the end of the human race.

2018 – Trade war truce agreed between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Si Jinping at G-20 meeting in Argentina.

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