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More than $500 million has been approved to reimburse local governments, state agencies and certain private nonprofits across North Carolina with Hurricane Florence-related expenses, the N.C. Department of Public Safety announced Tuesday.

“FEMA funding remains critical for communities recovering from Hurricane Florence,” said Gov. Roy Cooper. “Public Assistance helps us to ensure that we can recover from Hurricane Florence without overburdening local governments by the costs of storm response and infrastructure repair.”

Much of the funding—through FEMA’s Public Assistance program reimburses actions in the immediate response and early phase of recovery, DPS said in a news release. A breakdown of funding to date follows:

* More than $131.8 million for debris-removal expenses.

* More than $199.8 for disaster response measures such as:
** First responder activities to save lives and protect public safety
** Minimizing interruptions at schools and other essential community services through temporary facilities and cleaning flood damage

* Roads and Bridges: more than $5.1 million

* Water Control Facilities: more than $2.8 million

* Buildings and Equipment—such as schools and other essential community facilities: more than $14.4 million

* Public Utilities: more than $70.4 million

* Parks and Recreation: more than $88.9 million

* Local and state administrative costs: more than $12.3 million

The program upgrades many repair and rebuilding projects to comply with the latest local building codes. Upgrades may help facilities better withstand events like floods and hurricanes.

Public Assistance is a cost-sharing program. FEMA reimburses applicants at least 75 percent of eligible costs and the remaining amount is covered by the state. The federal share is paid directly to the state to disburse to agencies, local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations that incurred costs.

To date, FEMA’s share for Public Assistance projects is more than $396.1 million and the state’s share is more than $129.7 million.

For more information on North Carolina’s recovery from Hurricane Florence, visit ncdps.gov/Florence and FEMA.gov/Disaster/4393. Follow us on Twitter: @NCEmergency and @FEMARegion4.

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