Spread the love
by Joy Warren
Elizabethtown Town Council made a memorial presentation to the family of Richard “Dicky” Glenn tonight.  He was a councilman for 16 years until his death in December.  Mayor Campbell stated “We are deeply grieved at the loss of our friend and public servant, but we are grateful for the opportunity of having known and worked with Dicky.” His son, Richard “Rich” Glenn, Jr. was also administered the Oath of Office to fill his father’s seat on the council.
In January, the Council began recognizing an outstanding employee or group of employees that have shown outstanding leadership on behalf of the Town.  This month, the Elizabethtown Police Chief and several members of the department that were directly involved in the hostage standoff that occurred in November of 2019 were recognized.  Police Chief Tony Parrish, Lt. Dwayne Cheshire, Lt. Mark McMichael, and Sergeant Chris Avant were commended for their bravery and courage while serving the Town of Elizabethtown Police Department.

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Assistant Town Manager, Pat DeVane updated Council on several ongoing projects.  Phase 2 of the streetscape project has been completed.  The Fire and Rescue Building project is progressing, but due to weather and some contractor delays, the completion date has been pushed to mid April.  The Greene’s Lake Park project mapping has been completed.  The City Cemetery project has still not received official notice of funding from FEMA but is expected that the project will be funded.
A public hearing was held on a Special Use Permit submitted by Derek Davis for a metal storage building to be built at 1744 Cromartie Rd.  Mr. Davis spoke to council to assure them that the building would only be used for residential storage and would not be visable from Cromartie Road or the 87 By-pass.  Mr. Leslie Johnson, spoke for several neighbors to the property.  They are not against the permit as long as he follows the application he submitted.  Council voted to approved the Special Use Permit as requested in the application.
In January, the Town purchased the property located at 403 Martin Luther King Dr.  The purpose in purchasing it was to clean the site up to improve the neighborhood.  Prior to the Town purchasing the property, little interest had been shown by others to purchase it.  Since closing on the property, there has been interest from a party in aquiring the property so that the building can be renovated for commercial purposes.  In order to entertain an offer for the property (minimum bid of $16,123), the Town must declare it as surplus property and advertise it for sale using a sealed bid.  Council approved it as surplus property and authorized the advertisement for sealed bids.
In other business, Council appointed Ryan Godwin to the Airport/Economic Development Board, Rich Glenn to the LRCOG Board of Directors; reappointed Debbie Campbell and Joe Luther to Recreation Commission; aproved Facade Grant to Barefoot Brew; approved 2018-19 Audit report; approved Tax Releases and Budget Amendment; and approved the Unpaid Fiscal Years Tax Report and monthly financial report.
Town Manager Eddie Madden announced that Finance Director Jay Leatherman has announced his retirement.  The advertisement for the position has been posted and they are currently seeking qualified applicants.
During the Open Forum portion of the agenda, Mr. Dan Allen complimented the Board.  “My wife Sunday and I have traveled around the state visiting small towns and there is not much in NC that can touch what we have here in Elizabethtown.  Thank you for what you have done”.  Gary Rhoda requested that the bridge on Martin Luther King Dr. be officially named for James C. Bachelor.  Mayor Campbell said the Town would be happy to write a letter in support of the request.

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