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The last few days have been hard on employees working at grocery stores and other supply stores.

The shelves that once held water, rice, frozen pizzas, hand sanitizer and toilet paper are bare.

“It’s worse than a snowstorm and a hurricane put together,” one cashier stated at Food Lion.

At Food Lion in Elizabethtown one cashier was seen wearing gloves. However, according to the chatter heard yesterday the store was out of gloves and hand sanitizer was gone. Work must be done, but what about the safety precautions while serving the public. Bladen Online reached out to several local stores, but no one could comment on safety measures being taken.

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Some stores offer ordering online, drive-throughs or call ahead pick-up. Bladen Online did find some corporations have implemented new policies to help protect their employees and the public.

On Monday, Dollar General Corp. announced plans to dedicate the first hour of each shopping day to senior shoppers. The company also announced stores will be closing an hour earlier each day.

Senior Hour Encouragement

Dollar General is strongly encouraging that the first hour of operations each day be dedicated solely for the shopping needs of senior customers, who is the group most vulnerable to the COVID-19 coronavirus. In keeping with the company’s mission of serving others, Dollar General wanted to provide these at-risk customers with the ability to purchase the items at the beginning of each day to avoid busier and more crowded shopping periods.

Other customers are encouraged to plan their shopping trips around this time frame to allow the most susceptible customers in each community the ability to shop during the first hour that stores are open.

Store Hour Adjustments

Additionally, all stores plan to close one hour earlier than current closing times to allow employees to clean and re-stock store shelves, as well as for their health and well-being. Bladen County’s Dollar General stores will be closing at 8 p.m.

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