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Thoughts While ShavingThe USA must be strong…despite all the differences, it is still the best place in the this world to live.  If not for the grace of God we could have been born and spent our life in places much, much worse.  And we fail to say ‘Thanks……

I have learned that it takes more ‘greasy kid stuff’ to keep a nearly bald head presentable.

A  few months ago, I waited patiently for my mail to arrive….a check now and then, a card on a special occasion….Now, no checks, greetings come on the Internet,  my mail consist of solicitations from Mutual of Omaha for insurance, another mailer from one of the 3 or 4 big phone companies or a dish provider, or AAA letter stuffed full of services offered, related to wrecker service and insurance and a reminder that I could be stranded on the road….and that is true, however, a few years ago my travel was statewide with a few trips out of state….As I age, a long trip is about 3 miles to the grocery store or a nearby restaurant, much of if labeled as ‘fast food’ that is available at a snail’s pace…And if I am stranded, I am among friends….Come get me or come help me….I’ll call you on my phone that the monthly fee is more than my monthly grocery bill was few years ago for a family of 4.

I now spend more time at my pharmacy…where I have gotten to know most the staff on a first name basis…or at the solid waste site, dumping more garbage than a few years ago I could have ever dreamed of…Times have changed my routine….and that is OK….Life really is good……despite losing hair and teeth, I am doing well….thank you for asking….

And, I am proud to be an American.  And today, I will slick my hair down, put on one of my better shirts and head to church, less than a mile away,  to offer thanks…..again….

Courtship is when you spoon around—marriage is when you start forking over..

You know you’re getting popular when your friends throw a going-away party and you weren’t planning on going anywhere.

All those guys on Wall Street have the gift of grab.

There’s nothing wrong with being poor, if you an afford it.

robert g hester



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