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By Charlotte Smith

April 6, 2020, Bladen County Board of Commissioners’ meeting was held electronically Monday evening. The public was invited to attend the meeting by telephone or electronically. Although the meeting had a well-defined agenda, which included hurricane damage recovery efforts, discussions of the Coronavirus started to overrun the meeting.

Commissioner David Gooden

After the pledge and prayer before the meeting, Commissioner David Gooden raised concerns brought to him by citizens about the use of the Lisbon Fire Department facility and the use of it to be extended to EMS.

Bladen County Manager, Greg Martin, explained, the Lisbon Fire Department had concerns in writing about the EMS personnel being stationed at the fire department. An agreement has been made, but due to the coronavirus outbreak, nothing will be done about the agreement at this time, according to Martin’s explanation.

Commissioner Dr. Ophelia Munn-Goins

Commissioner Dr. Opheila Munn-Goins said, “We love to have them (EMS) on site. The citizens like to have the EMS prepositioned in their neighborhood because their response time is much better.”

The Lisbon Fire Department facility discussion bled into a discussion about fire departments having enough PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Bladen County Emergency Director, Nathan Dowless, said, “PPE is very limited throughout the State of North Carolina… We have not distributed any PPE in Bladen County. We don’t have it to give to them.”

Dowless explained he has advised the local fire department to use their self-contained masks. He requested PPE’s from the State three weeks ago and we have not received it.

Commissioner Arthur Bullock

Commissioner Arthur Bullock urged Dowless to make another request for PPE’s.


“They just don’t have it to give. They are prioritizing the counties,” Dowless reported.

Commissioner Ashely Trivette

Commissioner Ashley Trivette asked Dowless how long he thought the stock of PPE the county has would last. His response was an estimate of about three weeks.

Bladen County Health & Human Services Director, Dr. Terri Duncan, interjected the county’s healthcare workers are trying to conserve the PPE’s the county already has in place.

Next, the discussion led to some of the local businesses not being closed. Leinwand’s store was mentioned.

Commissioner Ray Britt

Chairperson of the board of commissioners, Ray Britt, explained Ricky Leinwand, owner of the store, had secured a letter stating he is an essential business. (The letter Britt was referring to is a permit by NC Department of Revenue.)

Leinwand’s offers clothes for essential workers and check cashing services. “I’m glad Ricky thought about it and secured a letter. I’m glad we have his services here,” Britt stated.

“Well what about the car washes,” Dr. Munn-Goins stated, “I didn’t see anything on the thing that said the car wash is necessary. ”

Britt explained it was his understanding that businesses offering cleanliness and sanitary services could be considered essential.

After the hot-button topics about COVID-19 (Coronavirus) were addressed, Dr. Duncan took the floor addressing items on the agenda concerning Health & Human Services.

“We certainly have a pandemic on our hands. We are certainly blessed to have only one positive case,” Dr. Duncan stated.

She updated the commissioners on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines but explained the guidelines are fluid and do change. She said, “We are expecting them to change this week because it is expected to be one of the worst weeks during the pandemic.”

Social distancing and physical distancing are crucial to limit the spread of the virus, Dr. Duncan reported. If you are out in public and you are less than 6 feet away from someone the CDC recommends you have a face covering. Face masks are to be reserved for health care workers.

Then Dr. Duncan addressed the issue a lot of citizens are asking about. In reference to the tests for COVID-19 (Coronavirus), she said, “Everybody doesn’t need a test.” Think six months ago, if you had a fever and a cough we would have stayed home until we were better.”

Symptoms Dr. Duncan listed that may require a trip to a healthcare provider or hospital were a fever, a cough, and trouble breathing.

She said, “The reason everyone is not being tested is because we need to save the PPE’s.”

Commissioner Charles Ray Peterson

Every time someone visits the healthcare provider or hospital more PPE’s are used. Commissioner Charles Ray Peterson spoke up and reminded everyone to call the provider or hospital before anyone goes to a healthcare facility. Dr. Duncan agreed with Peterson.

Also, Duncan stated, providers are not required to report the test unless they have a positive result.

“If someone does test positive, they are to go home and self isolate,” Duncan stated.

“We have tests available at our local hospital and our local healthcare providers if the test is needed,” she added.

“What is the turn around time?” Britt asked about the COVID-19 tests.

“We did get the latest one within 48 hours,” Duncan reported, but it has been 8 to 10 days at times.

Left to right, Bladen County Emergency Services Director, Nathan Dowless, Chairperson of Board of Commissioners, Ray Britt, Health & Human Services Director, Dr. Terri Duncan, photo taken in March, 2020.

Next, Duncan reported BART, Bladen’s local public transportation service, is helping transport meals and essential medical transportation services for the elderly population.

Dr. Duncan also announced this week is National Public Health Week and thanked everyone for all their efforts concerning public health during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

The commissioners were asked to consider Approving North Carolina FY 2020-21 Consolidated Agreement, a Contractual Agreement with Nutrition Plus and Adopting an Updated Fee Schedule by Dr. Duncan. The commissioners approved all the items unanimously.

Under the emergency services part of the agenda presented by director, Dowless, several items called for a vote by the commissioners.

Holland Consulting Planners Contract for Consultant Services Regarding Hurricane and the Florence Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Expedited Acquisitions was approved unanimously.

Professional Service Agreements Regarding Hurricane Florence Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Expedited Acquisition Project was approved. Johnson Law Firm withdrew their bid on the program due to a clerical error in the submission before the vote was made.

After some discussion, the motion was approved unanimously.

The Sales Agreement and Contract for 16693 NC Hwy. 211 East, Ivanhoe and the Sales Agreement and Contract for Unit R2, 1486 NC Hwy. 11, Kelly was unanimously approved as well.

Dowless, asked the commissioners to consider restructuring emergency services positions to make the department more efficient and save the county some money. The restructuring could save the county $1,274.91.

“I would like to reclassify and make the admin assistant a full-time position,” Dowless explained.

Dr. Munn Goins asked for clarification on the exact needs of Emergency Services and each position. Dowless explained his plans with the reclassification would help with the grant application processes, accounting, and other clerical duties.

After some discussion, the request to restructure the emergency services positions as presented by Dowless was approved unanimously.

Then the commissioners went into the water board of directors part of the meeting.

The Local Government Commission (LGC) Application and Related Documents were explained by Martin. The application was approved by the board and they exited the water board of directors part of the meeting.

Renee Davis, Bladen County Tax Administrator/Assessor presented two items for the commissioners to consider.

A bid for $4,675 for County-Owned Property (PIN No. 2224-00 40-1603) was approved unanimously.

The commissioners also approved the accepting recommendation for the 2022 Revaluation Project Vendor.

Before the county manager gave his report the commissioners appointed Billie P. Hall to the Keep Bladen Beautiful board. Chairperson Britt reminded board members the next meeting the board will need to appoint three members to the Bladenboro Fire District Committee.

Bladen County Manager, Greg Martin

Greg Martin, County of Bladen Manager, said “County employees have been working diligently and the county provides essential services. Two weeks ago today the county offices were closed to the public.”

The vast majority of employees have individual offices, according to Martin and some DSS employees are working from home.

There has been an emergency employee paid leave two weeks by the federal government, Martin explained.

“If it is needed that is certainly a benefit for county employees,” He said.

Dr. Munn-Goins asked about administrative personnel being able to work from home and if masks are provided for county employees.

The county employees are supplied with masks as needed, according to Dowless, Martin said. He stated, the Division on Aging is working towards working from home as well.

Martin asked the commissioners to consider canceling the April 20, 2020, Regular Board of Commissioners’ Meeting.

About the budget, a meeting will be needed, but Martin said he would get back with the commissioners about the budget meeting item at a later date.

Canceling the regular meeting for April 20, 2020, was approved by the commissioners since the county officials are only required to meet once per month.

Bladen County Board of Commissioners’ Chairperson, Ray Britt gave praises to all Bladen County employees and commissioners before adjourning.

Commissioners present for the electronic meeting were: Chairperson Ray Britt, and fellow board members Arthur Bullock, Michael Cogdell, David Gooden, Dr. Opheila Munn-Goins, Charles R. Peterson and Ashley Trivette.

At the beginning of the meeting, the commissioners approved the consent items. They were as follows.

  1. Proposed Agenda
  2. Minutes of March 9, 2020, Regular Meeting
  3. Minutes of March 20, 2020 Emergency Meeting
  4. Budget Amendments
  5. County Attorney Invoices
  6. Tax Releases No. 2-20
  7. Sexual Assault Awareness Month Proclamation
  8. Tyler Technologies Software and Related Services Platform Upgrade Agreement
  9. FY 2020-21 NC Department of Transportation Community Transportation Program Grant Attachments for the Benefit of Bladen Area Rural Transportation System (BARTS)
  10. Bladen Area Rural Transportation System Tile VI Plan Update
  11. Lease Agreement with North Carolina, Department of Public Safety
  12. Review of February 2020 Adult Medicaid Audit Results
  13. Review of February 2020 Financial Dashboard
  14. North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, Applicant Disaster Assistance Agreement for FEMA-4487-DR-NC (COVID-19)
  15. Designation of Applicant’s Agent and Applicant Assurances for Public Assistance Regarding FEMA-4487-DR-NC (COVID-19)

View video of Dr. Duncan’s report here:

The county officials have published the public meeting on their YouTube Channel. You may listen now by following the link below.

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