Thoughts While Shaving
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I like to think our overall situation, nationwide is improving, but not sure.

A Friday afternoon tour of downtown Elizabethtown was overall … not what it has been, but not bad. Still many businesses closed, traffic reduced … Grocery stores have one-way lanes. I must have broken all their rules before seeing the arrows, one way only. The vast majority of folks were following the rules, very orderly, courteous. Nod and smile…

Have checked out a few restaurants, doing a good job serving, but know they are suffering…

Shop at home … those who are open and doing their best are the backbone of our community … and have been for years…

Overall, stock market making a comeback, still a distance to go to get back to where it was prior to the virus attack…

Medical community, no doubt performing as they should, but tough times…

Will be nice when beaches and lake communities can re-open…

And, how about our school system? Difficult, to say the least, despite free hot spots throughout the county…

Most churches, places of worship, are having services online or drive-up…

And, those who have lost loved ones due to death are just dealing with the situation … drive-by visitations…

Oh well, this too shall pass…

“My path is not thy path, yet together we walk, hand in hand.” Khalil Gibran

“Live each day as if your life had just begun.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“No one has ever becomes poor by giving.” Anne Frank (The Diary of a Young Girl, 1942-1944)

robert g hester

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