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Last Tuesday, over 100 North Carolinians from across our state gathered in Raleigh to protest overreaching shutdown orders that limit our freedom.  The protestors peaceably assembled and petitioned to reopen North Carolina and let our state and our lives start getting back to normal.
The Police Department responded by arresting one of the protesters and then sent tweet:

The First Amendment of our Constitution’s Bill of Rights clearly states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Congressman Bishop announced he firmly believes whether you support or oppose these shutdown orders, denying protestors the right to assemble and petition their government is an egregious, intolerable violation of Constitutional Rights.  He plans to join the protest next Tuesday in support of constitutional rights and encourages others to join him – while practicing safe social distancing. After the protest he will deliver copies of the United States Constitution to Raleigh City government office for the Police Chief, Mayor and City Council.
Bishop issued the following statement:
“When we are emptying our jails of convicted criminals and filling them with protestors, when we are selling copious amounts of liquor from state-owned ABC stores yet banning churches from meeting, and when we are denying the press and public access to information government officials are using to make decisions, it is time to protest.  We cannot allow the First Amendment to our Constitution to become this virus’s next victim. It is time we all stand up for our First Amendment rights guaranteeing free speech, a free press, freedom to practice religion, and our freedom to assemble and petition our government for redress of grievances. I encourage others to join me doing that Tuesday morning at 11 in front of the Governor’s Mansion – while practicing safe social distancing.”

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