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The Bladen County Health Department reports additional positive cases of COVID-19 for Bladen County residents. Based on information provided, county public health officials will assess risks of exposure, and determine which, if any, additional measures are needed such as temperature and symptom checks, quarantine and/or testing, according to Dr. Teresa (Terri) Duncan, Bladen County Health and Human Services Director. The total for Bladen County residents are as follows according to Duncan’s report:

§  40 cumulative cases

§  13 recovered/completed

§    4 hospitalized

§  23 isolating at home

Duncan stated, “To respect privacy and comply with federal law, more specific information is not available.”

As of this morning, NCDHHS Dashboard listed: 12,256 positive cases, 534 hospitalizations, and 452 deaths, and Bladen with 34 positive cases. Local health departments receive cases throughout a 24 hour period. Bladen County Health Department’s after/noon evening report contains cases received by 1:30 pm today.

(*NCDHHS dashboard and Bladen County Health Department data is updated daily and may change based on verification of county residence.)

Bladen cases have been linked to social gatherings, work, travel and community acquired (unknown source), according to Dr. Duncan. Bladen County residents are vulnerable of getting or spreading the virus. Bladen and every surrounding county have confirmed cases of COVID-19.

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