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Thursday there were announcements in front of the North Carolina General Assembly in Raleigh about two different lawsuits against North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper. Representative Keith Kidwell with the North Carolina House of Representatives 79th District distributed information about the two suits.

Kidwell announced a lawsuit by the Hair is Essential Association against Gov. Cooper for Executive Orders the association claims violate the North Carolina Constitution. Hair is Essential is an organization of NC beauticians, barbers, and cosmetologists. A letter sent by Attorney S.C. Kitchen on behalf of Hair is Essential on May 13 to the Honorable Roy Cooper stated, “People have the inalienable right to earn a living. Neither you nor the State have the right to preclude citizens using their own means from pursuing their chosen vocation. The preservation of this right is the principal reason for the Constitution itself. By ordering the closure, by executive fiat, of the Beauty Salons in North Carolina, you have violated the essence of the Constitution.”

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The letter written by Kitchen continues, “If the restriction on operating Beauty Salons is not lifted by Monday, May 18, 2020, at noon, it is our intention to file an action to compel compliance with the General Statutes and the Constitutional provision.”

Rep. Kidwell also announced, “a lawsuit being filed on behalf of hundreds of churches in North Carolina against Governor Roy Cooper. The purpose of this lawsuit is to remind the governor that churches are free to exercise their rights under North Carolina Constitution Article 1, Section 13 and under the United States Constitution in the First Amendment.” Attorney and Pastor David Gibbs spoke at the press conference on Thursday on behalf of the churches and Return America, Inc.

When asked exactly how many churches have filed the suit, Kidwell did not answer. No letter to the governor on behalf of the churhes was attached to Kidwell’s announcement either.

When further investigated, BladenOnline.com staff found a lawsuit filed on behalf of Berean Baptist Church, Return America, Inc., Dr. Ronnie Baity, and People’s Baptist Church, Inc against Gov. Cooper. 

Gov. Cooper addressed safety concerns and reopening North Carolina too soon in his COVID-19 Task Force Press Conference Thursday. The task force conference with Gov. Cooper was held after the two lawsuits were announced, and the unconstitutional claims were made.

There is a 14 day period the officials need for data comparison, Gov. Cooper explained, and there is no guarantee the Phase 2 of the reopening plan will start on May 22.

When asked about the Executive Orders, he has made being unconstitutional and the lawsuits he said he had not seen the lawsuits.

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper

Cooper did address the risks for churches opening too soon. He said, “We don’t want our churches to become hotspots for this virus.”

He continued to explain, “When people are gathered together indoors and are closer to each other for more than 10 minutes, the virus has a significant chance to spread from one person to the next, and we’ve seen tragic consequences when that’s the case. We hope congregations across North Carolina will talk with their leaders and make good decisions about what is right to look out after each other.”

Watch the full report from the COVID-19 Task Force here, https://www.pscp.tv/w/1ZkKzLbNjkDJv?t=8m20s

Dr. Christopher Ohl, an infectious disease expert at Wake Forest Baptist Health, said he does not think North Carolina is ready to transition to Phase 2 of reopening. At the time of publication, Gov. Cooper stands by his decision to remain in Phase One of reopening North Carolina.

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