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This is notice to the public that the Town of Elizabethtown’s FY 2020-21 proposed budget
has been submitted to the Elizabethtown Town Council and is available for public
inspection. The proposed budget may be inspected by calling the Town Office (862-2066)
to make an appointment for review. A Public Hearing for the FY 2020-21 proposed
budget is scheduled for Monday, June 1, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the
Municipal Building located at 805 West Broad Street, Elizabethtown.

The June 1, 2020 Town Council meeting will be a Virtual Meeting; therefore, please check
the Town’s website (www.elizabethtownnc.org) on June 1, 2020 for joining the Zoom
Meeting. Written comments may be submitted at any time between the Notice of Public
Hearing and 24 hours after the public hearing. Written comments may be addressed to
Town Clerk Juanita Hester either by email: jhester@elizabethtownnc.org or by including
the written comments in an envelope addressed to the Town Clerk and leaving in the
Town’s Drive-through Drop-Box at 805 W. Broad Street. Town Council will not be able to
take action on the matter immediately following the public hearing. Therefore, Town
Council will recess the meeting until June 3, 2020 at Noon.

Sylvia Campbell, Mayor

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