Thoughts While Shaving
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Woke early this morning with many issues on my mind…

Our world is in chaos, and I thought about a book a former neighbor gave me before moving away … a book by Tony Dungy, former NFL coach, and if memory has not forsaken me, the first black coach to win a Super Bowl while coaching the Indianapolis Colts in 2007. … First thing I read this A.M. was a short, to the point writing by the Coach … related to the unrest we are going thru today…

The book was ‘Quiet Strength’ and he wrote about troubles and triumphs … I recommend it to all … and urge you to google his most recent comments … apparently posted in the past few hours…

Today, we go to church, or listen or watch church services on some type device … in fact, have heard many who have been watching and listening to more than one service weekly … I am one of those. … Listen and apply to our everyday life. … None among us are perfect but we are better than what we are showing in this crisis … both how we treat others and how we react…

How people treat other people is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves.

“Respect yourself and others will respect you.” Confucius

“Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.” Lou Holtz

robert g hester

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