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Wilmington, N.C. – Congressman David Rouzer (NC-07) issued the following statement on the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last week and the subsequent protests and unrest across the nation over the past weekend:

“Over the past few days, we have all seen the images from across the nation of riots, destruction and looting, undercutting the rightful message of those who have shown up to protest and make their case in peace.,” said Congressman Rouzer.  “What happened to George Floyd in Minneapolis last week is a heinous tragedy and murder by any measure.  Justice needs to be served, and I am confident that the state of Minnesota will ensure that it is.”

“There is no excuse — there is no justification — for the lawless, criminal activity that we have been witnessing in our cities the last few nights and likely will continue to see in the nights ahead.  It does not honor Mr. Floyd’s memory.

“Instead, small business owners — many of whom are minority and have been struggling to survive during the COVID-19 outbreak — now face even greater challenges due to the plunder of their businesses by professional anarchists and those motivated to do destruction by the force of Evil.  Many of those businesses now have customers with nowhere to turn for their food and other necessities.

“Evil draws itself to tragedy to exploit our wounds and excite our emotions, for evil knows that emotion gives way to poor judgment and poor judgment leads to one’s own destruction.  In Proverbs 14:12, it reads, ‘There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death.’  May we all turn to God and let Him heal our land — changing each heart, one by one,” Rouzer concluded.

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