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By: Blake Proctor

The Town of East Arcadia met for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting Monday, June 8th at 7:00p.m. in their new home in the old Bladen Community College facility behind former Town Hall on East Arcadia Road. Only Councilmember Carlee Carter was not present. Mayor Perry Blanks gave the invocation and then quickly disposed of a two-item Consent Agenda.

The only scheduled item of business on the agenda was the reception of bids for the purchase and installation of 225 automatic meter reading (AMR) devices for the water system. Ivey Cauley from engineering firm McDavid & Associates of Farmville and Goldsboro was present to provide an overview of the three firms that had bid on this project:

Fortiline Option 1  —  $119,453.27

Fortiline Option 2  —  $   99,173.26

Core & Main           —  $106, 845.03

Ferguson                 —  $167,671.49

A called meeting to consider these bids and to tentatively award a contract on this vital project will be held at an as-yet-undetermined date later in June prior to the end of this fiscal year.

Councilmember Rhonda Hall reminded the Board that the contract with auditors Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams & Company has been signed to perform the audit on the fiscal year ending June, 2020.

Prior to adjournment, Councilmember Lillian Graham voiced her concerns about the mosquito infestation that has been caused by the inordinate rainfall this Spring. Discussion ensued, with Councilmember Horace Munn recommending that the Town again contact the County to request assistance with spraying o the town’s major roads, as well as contacting the State to ask for 500 mosquito tablets to place on the many acres of still water off the town’s secondary roads.

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