Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingThoughts While Shaving
Changes coming to BladenOnline….thanks for your patience, past support and support in the future…BladenOnline was birthed on February 1, 2008…
A reminder of the MLK activities in the area today…In Elizabethtown, a parade beginning at 11 a.m...It will travel through the downtown are on Broad Street, right on Poplar Street and ending in the Bo’s Parking Lot….Several events are planned following the parade…Bladen Presbyterian Parish Council is hosting a program that features a light lunch and comments by Antonio M.K. Lawrence of Rocky Mount.  and a community meal will be available at Big Show Auto Finish at 2900 West Broad Street and at Cape Fear Masonic Lodge 300 at 702 Martin Luther King Drive…
Be aware of the traffic, particularly in the area where the parade will be organized…
How about the Seattle-Green Bay NFL football game…Could not believe….If the Seahawks do not play better than they did for 3 1/2 quarters Sunday, the Patriots will likely be waving their Super Bowl flag…Great comeback by the ‘hawks….
Golf is a lot like taxes.  You drive hard to get to the green and then wind up in the hole.
Income tax is the fine you pay for thriving so fast.
Some loopholes become nooses.
robert g hester

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