Thoughts While Shaving
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Our nation is so divided, our churches are so divided, civic clubs are disappearing, Boy Scouts declare bankruptcy and in some states, it takes a week to decide an election, after ballots are cast.

Folks either love a candidate or despise him/her … No give anywhere, seems it’s all or nothing … no respect for others. We are all in or all out…

Maybe we need a tent large enough for all … learn to respect the opinion of others without a stand-off … a brawl.

Is there no room for compromise … In Congress, in the NC Legislature, in our civic clubs, churches and other organizations…

But, we are still the greatest nation in the world. … We need a tent large enough for all, and be able to disagree, agreeably … Not my way or no way or ‘I am out of here’

Hopefully I am wrong. … I’m on the outside peeping in … As an old ‘poot’, maybe all I can do is dream of how it has been, and should be, based on my own personal thoughts and ideas, which are worth nothing or at the least, very little…

Maybe too many of us detest disagreement, confrontation … Maybe some have been in office too long and need to be challenged … been that way for as long as I recall. … Maybe time for new ideas, but are all the old ideas bad? Don’t think so, but not sure…

Just thinking out loud … Maybe I’m out of step with the world … If so, no problem. … I will return to my quiet, cool, comfortable hiding place … and wait for the next opportunity to share more ‘thoughts’.

Don’t go with the flow; be the flow.

Nothing can dim the light which shines from within..

Yesterday you said tomorrow.

robert g hester

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