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Rouzer: “The American people want a well-trained police force and the law and order this bill would help to provide.”

WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats used a procedural vote to block all debate on the Just and Unifying Solutions to Invigorate Communities Everywhere (JUSTICE) Act, police reform legislation authored by Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.).

Instead of debating the measure on the Senate floor, which would have given Democrats ample opportunity to amend the bill, Democrats instead chose to block any consideration of the police reform legislation.  Three Democrats opposed their own party leadership to vote with every Republican to bring the legislation to the floor for debate.  The motion, which needed 60 votes for approval, failed 55-45.

Congressman David Rouzer (NC-07), who has co-sponsored companion legislation in the House, issued the following statement regarding the Democrats’ vote against debating police reform legislation:

“Instead of letting Senator Tim Scott’s bill come to the floor to be debated and amended, the vast majority of the Democrats in the Senate have voted to keep this bill from coming to the floor for debate.  Unfortunately, they believe that passing this legislation will take the issue off the table for the November election,” said Congressman Rouzer.  “They are making a serious miscalculation on all fronts.  The American people want a well-trained police force and the law and order this bill would help to provide.”

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