Spread the love

By Blake Proctor

The Dublin Town Commission met in what was a quick half-hour session Thursday, July 2nd; absent from the meeting was Commissioner Jeff Smith. Following the call to order, Mayor Darryl Dowless gave the invocation and the Board quickly sailed through the standard consent items.

On the agenda again under Old Business was the problem previously discussed regarding drainage and flooding problems on a ditch through Ms. Mary Gooden’s property. Public works Director Jonathan Ward reiterated that since this is private property, the Town is estopped by law from working on the problem with Town funds. He informed the Board that the Town is actively trying to address the problem: He believes the problem may be that the drain tiles could have separated; he has contacted both the Corps of Engineers and the NC Department of Transportation regarding the problem, but neither agency has responded to his calls.

The Commission then turned to the recurring question of opening Town Hall to the public and the Community Building to facility renters. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that as long as the State remains at Stage 2 restrictions, the Town should not reopen these two facilities.

In new business, the Board quickly unanimously approved four agenda items: the County’s Coronavirus Relief Fund Reimbursement Agreement with the Town; the Invoice Cloud agreement that provides an avenue for citizens to pay their Town bills via credit and debit cards; another request from First Baptist Church to extend closing a portion of McLean Street through July and August for their Sunday morning services; and three small budget amendments due to unanticipated payments from the County’s coffers.

In reports from Board members, Commissioner David Hursey informed the Board that the Town has experienced an overabundance of rain and he has witnessed standing water in places he has never seen it before.

DPW Director Ward stated that there have been collapsed drainpipes at 9th Street and Summerlin that will require from $5,000 to $10,000 to repair, but that the Town does not have those funds at this time. His department is trying to coordinate with other contractors that are doing work there now in order to conserve costs.

A Dublin VFD request for a closure of part of 2nd Street was again tabled while Town Hall, Public Works and Town Attorney Whitley Ward continue to research the situation and look for the appropriate street maps.

The meeting adjourned at 6:32 p.m.

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