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The 2020 Census for North Carolina may be ending next month. Bob Coats, Census Liaison for North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management announced today operations for the non-response follow-up will begin.

Coats stated in an email, the 2020 Census Non-Response Follow-Up (NRFU) operation begins today.  Census field workers will visit the 1.6 million North Carolina households that have not completed their 2020 Census.  The revised 2020 Census deadline is September 30.  You can be counted online (my2020census.gov), by phone (844-330-2020), or by paper questionnaire until September 30.  Completing your Census form at home reduces the need for a Census worker visit.  The Census workers going door-to-door will have COVID protection (ie masks and gloves), and they will maintain social distance.

He said, “Please be counted today!”

Submissions for the 2020 Census may be submitted at: https://2020census.gov/

2020 Census redistricting data will be released in 2021.  At that time local governments can challenge 2020 Census counts through the Count Question Resolution (CQR) program.  CQR is limited window for challenges to the official count based on specific issues such as boundary, geocoding, and count.  The CQR program has existed in previous Censuses, and the 2020 Census is essentially the same.  The major difference is that local governments will only be able to challenge housing unit and group quarters counts rather than population counts.  This is due to the US Census Burueau’s use of Differential Privacy for the 2020 Census.  While total housing unit and group quarters counts for sub-state geographies will be reported as collected, total population data will have noise added to protect the confidentiality of respondents.

See the Federal Register Notice on the CQR program at the link below:

The comment period for the CQR notice ends on October 5, 2020.

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