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By: Joy Warren

WLTMMayor Womble recognized and presented Sergeant Michael S. Salmon with a plaque in recognition of his accomplishments of completing the Criminal Investigation Certification Program from the North Carolina Justice Academy on June 12, 2015.  Salmon’s certification requirements consisted of up to 500 hours of intense class room work and training. The Board also recognized Timothy W. Sessoms who retired from the Town on May 27, 2015.  In recognition of Timmy’s retirement and in appreciation for his many years of dedicated service to the Town of White Lake and its citizens, a resolution of appreciation was read by Mayor Womble for Mr. Sessoms.

WLTM2Phil Geary, Transportation Engineer with NCDOT Planning Branch made a brief presentation on the Bladen County Comprehensive Transportation Plan, a long range 25-30 year plan that lists the multi-modal needs of Bladen County and the surrounding local government jurisdictions.  The Transportation Plan when completed will identify the County’s existing and future transportation systems, including highways, public transportation, rail, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities needed to serve the anticipated travel demand for the County and surrounding communities.

The following officers were appointed as required by the Town’s Code of Ordinances:  Mayor Pro Tempore, Commissioner Tom Riel; Administration Director/Town Clerk/Finance Officer,Brenda Clark;  Chief of Police, Bruce Smith; Tax Collector, Patsy Teachey;  Deputy Finance Officer, Kathy Iwerks; Water/Wastewater Superintendent/Zoning Inspector, Tim Frush;  Assistant Zoning Inspector, Lee Cain;  Fire Chief/Safety Officer, Dale Brennan; Budget Officer, Mayor H. Goldston Womble, Jr.; and Town Attorney, Clif Hester of Hester, Grady & Hester.

In administrative matters the Board approved the tax collector’s Full Settlement Report  for Fiscal Year 2014/15 as presented; approved Tax Releases ($649.08);  approved the purchase of the 2012 Fastrak Super Duty mower and declared the 1998 John Deere mower as surplus property to be disposed of; approved the FY 2014-15 Budget Ordinance Amendment #2016-01 (Wastewater Fund) Lake Shore Dr. (Waterford Estates Subdivision) Sewer Rehab Project; adopted the FEMA Designation of Applicant Agency Resolution as presented; adopted resolution designating No Parking Zone along NC Hwy 53 North at SR 1515 – White Lake Dr. and along US Hwy 701 North to SR 1516.

As requested by the Board, Ms. Becky Veazey with the MAPS Group is available to meet on Thursday, July 30, 2015 to discuss the proposed personnel policy and pay classification study.  The Board adjourned tonight’s meeting to Thursday, July 30, 2015.

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