Thoughts While Shaving
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NFL results from late night game … Eagles 22 – Cowboys 9.

Tonight … Bucs at Giants … Game played in East Rutherford, N.J. … Temp expected to be in the low 40s…

Chase Elliott was the winner of the NASCAR event at Martinsville, Va.

Much of the attention today will be related to the race for the White House … General Election tomorrow (Tuesday), voting at all 17 precincts in the county. Polls open at 6:30 AM and close at 7:30 PM. Voters will be allowed to cast a ballot if they are in line at closing time. Statewide, over 4.5 million have voted at one-stop locations or by absentee ballot. There are over 7.3 million registered voters in the Tar Heel state.

Final tally is not likely to be known tomorrow night, but should have some idea of results soon … hopefully.

Just hope there is a clear winner … Guess we get so carried away with the race for president, we forget other races from the courthouse to Washington, D.C. All are important in our political system.

Is there anyone who has not had one or more calls from both political parties over the past 24 hours? … I just hang up … sorry to be rude … All must be working off different call lists…

Candidates will be barnstorming nationwide today…

Weather forecast for today … Sunny, with a high near 54 and windy … Low tonight near 34 degrees. Could have patchy frost … if not tonight, soon.

“Democracy is based upon the conviction there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people.” Harry Emerson Fosdick

“The most important office, and the one which all of us can and should fill, is that of private citizen.” Louis Brandeis

“Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country, and this world.” Sharon Salzberg

robert g hester

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