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By Joy Warren

Town of White Lake Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday evening via Zoom.

The Board was given a Lake Management Update from Dr. Diane Lauritsen. Rainfall for the month of October totaled 3.35 inches ending the lake level at 64.5 feet for the month. No hydrilla was found. Water quality results were like what was found in 2013, except for the increase in Total Nitrogen concentration which is a trend seen in 2017-2019 as well. The pH levels have remained very stable since the use of the alum treatment.

Sampling of several of the other Bay Lakes was done in September as well. Nitrogen levels have increased in all the Bay Lakes and algae levels are similar between the acidic lakes – Bay Tree, Singletary and White Lake.

In her report, Dr. Lauritsen indicated that “acidic conditions do not equate to no algae, and there is no scientific evidence for the idea that lowering the pH of White Lake would benefit water clarity, or that it would even be possible. Rainfall rules both lake levels and lake chemistry.”

For more information on lake water quality go to www.whitelakewatch.org.

Project Manager Eddie Madden provided an update on the status of the grant applications for Phase II of the Multi-Use Path Project. A letter was received from John Fullwood, NC Division of Parks and Recreation, indicating that the Town was not awarded funding for the project. The Town was awarded $200,000 from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund (DWR).

Mr. Madden indicated that all the engineering design work has been completed and is ready for bidding. It was recommended that the project be modified to only include the boardwalk section at this time and apply to USDA in January 2021 to complete the project to the marina.

The Board approved moving forward with the boardwalk section (past Turtle Cove) with funding of $200,000 DWR and $143,000 budgeted match funds from the Town.

In administrative matters, the Board approved Utility releases ($1,709.43), Tax releases ($1,261.34), Tax refunds ($112.34); awarded the financing proposal for the purchase of a new vehicle for the Police Department to First Bank; approved a budget ordinance amendment for revenues and expenditures for repairs to one of the Town’s fire trucks; and authorized the enrollment in the Positive Pay Services Program with First Bank.

The Board adopted a Proclamation supporting White Lake Law Enforcement Deputies and Officers for their dedication and hard work in protecting visitors and residents, recognizing the many sacrifices made by LEOs as well as their families.

The Town municipal complex will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th in honor of Veteran’s Day, Thursday, November 26th and Friday, November 27th for the Thanksgiving holidays. The public works on-call person will be available in case of water/sewer emergencies.

Jean Klein, Regional Planning Director for the LRCOG, is assisting the Town in updating the Town’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinances to include the new laws pertaining to 160D.

The first joint meeting with the Town Board and Planning Board was scheduled for Thursday, November 19th at 7:00 p.m. but due to the new COVID-19 restrictions enacted by the Governor on Tuesday, that joint meeting will not take place but will hopefully be scheduled in January.

The Board adjourned Tuesday’s meeting after going into closed session to discuss personnel matters.

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