Spread the love

by Blake Proctor

While Boost the Boro’s Executive Committee has been meeting in a “socially distanced” manner at various times throughout this Covid-inspired pandemic, the full membership has not.

In the first member-wide meeting in almost a year, Boost the Boro met Tuesday night at the Historical Building instead of the Farmers Market in order to provide for social distancing.

President Terry Nance called the meeting to order at 7pm, and after an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance, he asked Treasurer Don White to provide the Finance Report with the 2021 budget projections.

The coming year will start with a $73,000 balance. Considering general operating and building expenses of $30,000 through the year, there are two scenarios: If, due to Covid, there are no fundraising events, the ending 2021 bank balance will be $43,000; if, however, activities such as Beast Fest can be held, the year-end balance is expected to remain at $73,000.

Following this report, Mr. Nance broached the matter of building a permanent stage beside the Medicine Shoppe, where the Hester Building had been removed. Estimated to cost $16,500 before a Phase 2 installation of the eventual roof, this project’s Phase 1 is already included as part of the 2021 expenses.

A spirited debate resulted, with all manner of scenarios and visualized problems being broached and addressed. After a full half hour of back-and-forth, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously adopted that the Phase 1 basic stage be erected as soon as the Town has addressed the wall of the Medicine Shoppe.

It was mentioned that the New Light Church Community Center – the former Western Auto building at the corner of Main and Seaboard Streets – was having difficulties completing the façade renovations.

Since this facility can be accessed by any community organizations in Town for their use, and is not merely a religious venue, the membership voted unanimously to donate $5,000 to complete the façade.

Rodney Hester, BtB member and Town Commissioner, informed those present that this year’s Bladenboro Christmas Parade had been cancelled due to the pandemic.

On the other hand, Boost the Boro’s Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony will still go ahead. This year, the event will be held on Friday, December 4th, at 6:30pm.

The Bladenboro Garden Club has said it needs help in placing its decorations at the bases of power poles downtown, and will accept any assistance BtB can offer.

In a related matter, the Garden Club affirmed that it would like to be placed under the sponsorship of Boost the Boro, and becoming a component of BtB; the membership unanimously approved the merger of these two community organizations.


With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:11pm.

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