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In 1996, a Republican led Congress and a Democrat President signed a welfare reform bill that required recipients work. It was a good bill that helped move millions off welfare and into productive jobs.

As a Christian, I am a firm believer that we have a moral obligation to help those in need who cannot help themselves. As such, it’s critically important that we put into place programs and measures that hold welfare recipients accountable while ensuring taxpayer dollars are going to law-abiding citizens who truly need help.

This month, I introduced the Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients Act (H.R. 3047) which seeks to improve welfare programs by requiring recipients to pass a drug test to be eligible for federal assistance.

Most employers in this country require workers to pass drug tests as a prerequisite for employment. The government should expect the same of people who receive food stamps and other federal benefits. If recipients can’t meet basic standards for employment, they risk being trapped in a cycle of welfare dependency.

Additionally, this bill takes the necessary steps to ensure that we are not subsidizing drug addiction. Americans deserve to know that their money is going to people who need help and are committed to turning their lives around.

The Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients Act is a common sense bill that prepares welfare recipients for employment, gives them a better opportunity to succeed, and will help break the cycle of dependency.

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