Thoughts While Shaving
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Woke up to another headline related to November 3rd election … “Supreme Court Rejects Texas Challenge to Biden’s Victory to Presidential Election.” The Electoral College is scheduled to meet Monday … Social media is busy, busy, especially Twitter.

Think I will be busy with other important matters, like raking and burning leaves…

I am thankful for the folks who have worked hard to develop medication that will hopefully ‘deal’ with COVID-19 … Bladen County Hospital will be among the first anywhere to receive a limited number of doses … Surely the folks on the front lines … medical professionals will be among the first to receive … Hopefully, we will all have access to the medication over the next few weeks and months…

I often think back over the years … not sure why some topics rise to the top…

Ever raise a pig on a bottle? Momma pig had more ‘little ones’ than she could accommodate, so I (we), my siblings and I, began feeding the pig with a bottle, like feeding a baby … All was well, ’til the pig was grown … and the reason we had pigs was to provide food for the family … tough to eat that pork … Later had a similar situation … traded that little piggy for a shotgun … and gave up on the shotgun … Did help me to decide I was not a hunter…

Not sure why I remembered … all about survival … big family, hard working family with limited resources … We still get together occasionally and share stories from yesteryear … I am proud of my siblings … all of them … a total of 6 of us … still living, all fairly healthy, all have earned the status of ‘senior citizens.’

One more thought … not too late to think about helping someone who is ‘strugglin’ … maybe a youngster, or a family living on limited income, or an orphanage … maybe Elf Angels, Shriners Hospital, or Southeast Carolina Crossroads, where folks are doing their best to overcome drugs and alcohol … Bet you will have a better Christmas if you help someone who needs help … Remember, it is more blessed to give than receive…

“Christmas is not so much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.” Janice Maeditere

“May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with joy”

“Christmas is the time to spread joy and glee. I do it by extending my wishes to you.”

robert g hester

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