Thoughts While Shaving
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Yesterday was one of the ‘darkest days’ in the history of our great nation, and anyone responsible in any way should be disciplined … Never been more disappointed than when ‘thugs’ broke thru security barriers around the capitol, and for a time, forced members of Congress to be placed in more secure locations … Few times in my lifetime have I seen such a sad display of ‘thugs at work’ … and mostly in third world countries … I realize there is no way to charge them all, but with cameras all around … some will be, and should be…

We all get frustrated, and say unkind things about folks we disagree, but never in my wildest dreams did I expect to see what happened in D.C. yesterday … The U.S. is not a rogue nation … some individuals among us may be. If yes, weed them out and put them away forever and ever. March ’til your hearts content, but peacefully, respectfully.

Now, move back please while I ‘step down from the stump’ and move on to a better day, hopefully.

Understand vaccine for the COVID virus is available for several groups, including senior citizens above the age of 75 … Attempted to contact the agency that is responsible for administering … Mostly, the phone would ring and ring and ring … but no answer … Finally was told they were being overrun … I understand … sort of … wish there was a better way to provide the service … I understand why the numbers are not better than they are.

A part of my day was spent in the Tar Heel area with ‘local statesmen’ who know how to cook, take care of the ‘issues’ of the county, state and nation … seriously, good fellowship, and delicious food … and I appreciate the invitation…

Sunny today with highs near 50. Tonight, rain mainly after 1 a.m. Low around 37, 90% chance of rain and windy, with gusts as high as 17 mph. Friday, high near 45 windy and a 90% chance of rain … Saturday and Sunday, sunny with highs in the 50 degree range.

Some things to think about…

“When someone helps you and they are struggling too, that’s not help, that’s love…”

“People talk about me behind my back and I just sit here and think … ‘Dang, I got myself a fan club.”

“I cried when you left me but I laughed when I saw what you left me for.”

robert g hester

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