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Bladen County Commissioners receive an update on the financial condition of the the county each month.
Monday night, Lisa Coleman, Bladen County Finance Officer, presented the latest ‘Financial Dashboard.’   The latest report is for the entire fiscal year.  The numbers are unaudited and incomplete.  For instance, Coleman pointed out that all sales tax had not been received at the time of this report and there are additional re-imbursements for some services, (ex. DSS,) already provided.
Only 83.79% of sales tax budgeted, have been received.  Sales tax are collected by merchants at the time of purchase, sent to the state and then forwarded to counties and towns.  Another line item that is likely to change in the revenue picture is ‘Restricted Intergovernmental.’  88.25% of the revenues have been received.
On the Expenditures report, the county has used 93.88% of budgeted proceeds.  That number is likely to change as well.
Coleman expressed confidence that the county had had a good year, financially.
Positives included 105.36% of all property taxes budgeted had been collected.  Breaking that number down, 95.6% of current year taxes were collected.  The other nearly 10% were delinquent taxes from previous years.
The Finance Officer reported that the over $4 million of fund balance included in the 2014-15 budget were not likely needed to cover annual expenses and would be used for the jail project.
The total county budget for the just ended fiscal year was over $48 million with nearly $20 million collected as property taxes and another over $11 million is from state and federal sources for programs mandated by the state or federal government.
The audited numbers will come later.
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