Thoughts While Shaving
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I woke up during the night thinking about our world today and how it had changed so much in my lifetime … some for the better, some not so good. We have more things, more government, more variety of this and that, more opportunities for a better education, more of so much … but less of much good…

As a youngster, church was not an option … We spent some time in bible study, some time enjoying the company of others … sometimes we disagreed, but we settled our differences … may or may not hold a grudge … some folks we could not bring to our way of thinking … We grew up, looking for a better way to support ourselves. Our menu was limited … a pan of home cooked biscuits was a given, fat back and fresh tomatoes were a good match…

Our schools were no doubt different … Some carried their lunch to school … fried egg sandwich, maybe a banana sandwich, or fatback in a biscuit … We quoted a bible verse when our name was called … We had a civics class in high school … not sure, but think it was a ‘required subject’, if not it should have been…

Many families had several children, all expected to work … feed the animals, peel potatoes, top and sucker tobacco … get the picture, we all worked…

Our postal carrier was local, when we needed a stamp and visited the post office, we knew the employees, they were family and friends…

Our civic clubs were places where we learned to work together to accomplish something good for the community … usually recited a creed that we all agreed with…

We respected our elders, may not always agreed with, but had respect for them and the positions they held…

So much has changed, and not always for the betterment of all…

Don’t think we can go back to those days, really not interested in doing so … but my, my, my … wish we could re-do what we have created for ourselves and others…

Oh yes … our medicine consisted of aspirin, alcohol, a baby diaper tied around a cut, Ex-Lax, and something mom used to de-worm us … never quite understood that … never saw any worms … but I trusted her judgement … cause daddy said to…

“I’m not that old … just need some WD-40.”

“With age comes wisdom, huh … Apparently ‘wisdom’ weighs about 40 pounds.”

“I see people around my age mountain climbing, I feel good getting my leg through my underwear without losing my balance.”

robert g hester

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