Thoughts While Shaving
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Hopefully, the big show in DC comes to a close today…

The Dow Jones Industrial average continues to climb, closed at another all time high again yesterday … 31,460.

Yesterday’s weather was a reminder … this is February … rainy, cold … More of the same today … Rain, high near 40 … northeast wind around 7 mph and 100% chance of rain … (not a good day to slip off for a golf match, if forecast is correct). tonight, more rain before 11 p.m., a 90% chance … and Sunday, still more rain and a northeast wind around 7 mph, high temp near 41 … oh yes, 80% chance of rain…

Daytona 500 auto race officially begins a new NASCAR season, Sunday … A Dale Earnhardt Sr. special is planned on one of the ESPN channels, so I am told. He was killed on the last lap of the 2001 race in Daytona, 20 years ago.

If you want to avoid advertisement, 2020 property taxes must be paid on or before March 19, 2021, by 5 PM.

While on the topic of property taxes, Bladen County Tax Office has a list of property owned by the county listed for sale on their website … Value and Sale Price, for those looking for a bargain … 37 properties in all. Google Bladen County Tax Administration for locations, all will be offered for sale at Bladen County Courthouse door Wednesday, February 17, 2021 @ 10 AM.

One more tax issue … reevaluation is upcoming, it’s the law, North Carolina law … reval occurs every 8 years … last one in Bladen County was 2015.

Lest you forget, Sunday is Valentines Day … Don’t want to get the cold shoulder for a year … Be nice … Too cold to spend time in the ‘dog house’. A card, a card and a box of candy … eating out … maybe. Too cold for a ‘cold shoulder.’

“It’s hard to believe America was founded to avoid high taxation.”

“The income tax forms have been simplified beyond all understanding.”

“A dime is a dollar with all the various taxes deducted.”

“Loafing is the only way to beat the income tax.”

robert g hester

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