Thoughts While Shaving
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I have enjoyed recent postings on Facebook, pictures and stories about the early days of White Lake … I remember my first visit, 8 years old attending a 4-H meeting. I was with a group and had a great time, not swimming, just observing, dreaming … An adult, don’t remember who, ask if I wanted them to take me home, or did I prefer to go back to school? It was after school hours, but I had a dime I had not spent, and I wanted to … so I did … Not sure what I purchased, probably a Pepsi and a pack of ‘nabs’ or a bag of salted peanuts. Then had to walk home, ’bout 3 miles, a guess … My decision … maybe not the best decision…

With that in mind I began to think back to yesteryear, the long winding path that eventually led to the county seat of Bladen … and lessons learned, some good, some not so good … sometimes hard to distinguish between the two … to the place I am today. Thought about folks who ‘gave me a break’ and wonder where I would have been had it not been for them … JZ and Sally Hinson at Hinson’s Super Market in Bladenboro. They gave me a job, first outside the tobacco patch, at the age of 14 … Mr. Chatham Clark … I wanted to work at a radio station, never seen the inside of one, but I wanted to be a DJ. He gave me that opportunity, I was at WBLA for the better part of 20 years … eventually was the owner-operator … (that was a learning experience), as much about what not to do as what should be done … Still learning … But, it was a launching pad … Little League baseball coach, Jaycees, Chamber of Commerce, served 8 years as a County Commissioner. That led to 25 years employment, on the road working with all 100 county governments, best job in the state, not necessarily financially, but rewarding … Ron Aycock … at NC Association of County Commissioners … was the individual who hired me … I thank him every time I see him, which is seldom now … but we still communicate from time to time. And, when I retired in my late 60s, I started BladenOnline.

Long story, learning about White Lake, that was the first step to a lifetime of experiences … It was my decision to spend my dime and walk home … thought about that when I needed to use the bathroom and there was not one … so I trudged on, wet pants and all … A learning experience … Life is all about our decisions, good and bad … Make them, learn from them, and move on…

Now, remind me again what was I thinking about? … Oh yes, White Lake, still a great place to visit.

“We become what we think about.” Earl Nightingale

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” Stephen Covey

“There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” Aristotle

“Ask and it will be given; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you.” Jesus.

robert g hester

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