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The Bladen County Board of Education held an in-person and virtual meeting on Monday, June 14, 2021. Teachers, Teacher Assistants, and Principal of the Year were all recognized.

Following is the summery of the meeting as published by the Bladen County Schools District.

Spotlights and Recognitions – 

Beginning Teacher of the Year
Bladen County Schools is pleased to introduce the 2021-2022 Beginning Teachers of the Year. For schools that have beginning teachers, the staff chose one beginning teacher to represent their school as the BTOY – Beginning Teacher of the Year.

  • Bridgett Baldwin from Elizabethtown Middle School
  • Lora Bryant from Tar Heel Middle School
  • Julie Canady from Elizabethtown Primary School
  • Hilary Johnson from Bladen Early College High School
  • Sabra Ludlum from East Bladen High School
  • Kaitlyn Sykes from West Bladen High School

We’d also like to announce the Bladen County Schools 2021-2022 Beginning Teacher of the Year, representing Bladen County Schools Bridgett Baldwin from Elizabethtown Middle School.

Teacher Assistant of the Year
Bladen County Schools is pleased to introduce the 2021-2022 Teacher Assistants of the Year. For schools that have teacher assistants, the staff chose one teacher assistant to represent their school as the TAOY – Teacher Assistant of the Year.

  • Jennifer Alford from Plain View Primary School
  • Vickie Colbert from Bladenboro Middle School
  • Gayla Collins from Elizabethtown Primary School
  • Wanda Daniels from East Arcadia Elementary School
  • Trista Hester from Clarkton School of Discovery
  • Barbara Keaton from Elizabethtown Primary School
  • Charlene Lewis from Bladenboro Primary School
  • Cynthia Lynch from Bladen Lakes Primary School
  • Brenda McDowell from Dublin Primary School
  • Sarah Smith from West Bladen High School
  • Jane Sykes from Elizabethtown Middle School

We’d also like to announce the Bladen County Schools 2021-2022 Teacher Assistant of the Year, representing Bladen County Schools Gayla Collins from Elizabethtown Primary School.

Teacher of the Year
Bladen County Schools is pleased to introduce the 2021-2022 Teachers of the Year. Each school selected a teacher to represent their school as a TOY – Teacher of the Year

  • Paula Beck from Elizabethtown Middle School
  • Heather Bobbey from Tar Heel Middle School
  • Lynn Brisson from Dublin Primary School
  • Tonya Bryan from Elizabethtown Primary School
  • Carol Byrd from Bladenboro Middle School
  • Ashley Davis from Plain View Primary School
  • Robin Donaldson from Bladen Early College High School
  • Brenda Flowers from East Bladen High School
  • Tera Kelly from Bladenboro Primary
  • Chrystal McColksey from West Bladen High School
  • Natasha McMillan from Clarkton School of Discovery
  • Deanna Ratliff from East Arcadia Elementary School
  • Kristy Smith fro Bladen Lakes Primary School

We’d also like to announce the Bladen County Schools 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year, representing Bladen County Schools Brenda Flowers from East Bladen High School.

Principal of the Year
We’d also like to announce the Bladen County Schools 2021-2022 Principal of the Year, representing Bladen County Schools Vanessa Ruffin from Plain View Primary School. Mrs. Ruffin, will continue to represent Bladen County Schools as the Principal of the Year as she transitions to the principalship of Bladenboro Middle School.

Citizen Participation –
Three individuals addressed the following topics with the Board during its Public Comment period. Board Chairman Roger Carroll read the following statement aloud before public comment participation: According to Board Policy 2310  (adopted October 1, 1988), the first part of at least one regularly scheduled board meeting will be set aside for citizens to address the board through public comment. Each speaker will receive three (3) minutes to present comments; however, the public comment session will not exceed thirty (30) minutes total except by majority vote of the board. During the public comment period, the board chair will recognize speakers in the order in which they signed in. Substitute speakers will not be permitted and speakers may not donate any portion of their time to another speaker. Board members will not respond to individuals who address the board except to request clarification of points made by the presenter.

  1. Student Achievement (Elizabeth Ruffin-Cox, Counselor at East Bladen High School)
  2. Alternative Learning Program (Donell Goins, Counselor at East Bladen High School)
  3. Daine Smith, parent

Information Items – 

  1. SEL and School Mental Health Improvement Plan – Kimbrie Esters and Cheryl White-Smith shared with the Board for information only (not requiring action) the Bladen County Schools SEL and School Mental Health Improvement Plan (per NC SBOE Policy SHLT-003) which requires K-12 school units to adopt and to implement a school-based mental health plan that includes a mental health training program and a suicide risk referral protoco, mandatory for grades 6-12 and in K-5 it recommended for our specialized instructional support personnel (SISP). The Plan will be implemented beginning with the 2021-2022 school year. This plan will include six hours of mental health training for BCS staff the first year, and every year after an additional two hour refresher training.
  2. Overview of ESSER II and III – Dr. Jason Atkinson and Susan Harrison shared with the Board for information only (not requiring action) the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, Public Law 117-2, enacted on March 11, 2021. ARP ESSER provides a total of nearly $122 billion to States and school districts to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the nation’s students. In addition to ARP ESSER, the ARP Act includes $3 billion for special education, $850 million for the Outlying Areas, $2.75 billion to support non-public schools, and additional funding for homeless children and youth, Tribal educational agencies, Native Hawaiians, and Alaska Natives.

Consent Agenda – The Board approved all consent agenda items.

  1. Budget Amendments
  2. Federal Budget Amendments
  3. Other Special Revenue Budget Amendments
  4. Continuing Budget Resolution – This resolution shall continue to be in effect until the Bladen County School’s Board of Education adopts a formal budget, at which time the State adopts a formal budget.
  5. Errors and Omissions General Liability – Errors & omissions (E&O) insurance, also known as professional liability insurance, serves to protect a company from financial risks that arise out of any claims of negligence, mistakes, omissions, misrepresentation, and more. A preferred errors and omissions policy will cover both defense costs and settlements or compensation that a company may be ordered by the court to payout.
  6. Mental Health Agreement – This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into and by the Bladen County Schools and Coastal Horizons, Inc. in order to clarify expectations for mental health practitioners who will be providing outpatient therapy services in the Bladen County Schools during the 2021-2022 academic school year. Coastal Horizons, Inc. will provide outpatient treatment for students in K-12 grade from Bladen County Schools. Outpatient treatment will be rendered to students whose mental health challenges impair school, family, and/or community functioning.
  7. Field Trips – Standard approval process for field trips and fundraisers.
  8. CTE Local Application and Signature Page – Based on findings from a Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) conducted by the Bladen County Schools CTE program, Bladen County Schools will offer the following Career Pathways to complete the 2020-2022 cycle:
    1. Agriculture Food and Natural Resources:
    2. Animal Science
    3. Plant Science
    4. Natural Resources
    5. Power, Structural and Technical Systems
    6. Arts, A/V Technology and Communications:
      1. Apparel and Textile Production
    7. Business Management and Administration:
      1. Entrepreneurship
    8. Health Science:
      1. Health Professional
    9. Human Services:
      1. Food and Nutrition
    10. Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security:
      1. Firefighter Technology
    11. Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics:
      1. Automotive Services
      2. Drone Technology
      3. Distribution
    12. Architecture and Construction:
      1. Masonry
  9. EC Physical Therapy Contract – The Bladen County Schools agrees to provide the CONTRACTOR appropriate support to effect: patient scheduling, treatment, and transportation; therapist consultation with parents and teachers; appropriate space and equipment for school based therapy at the specified Bladen County Schools facility for provision of services. Further, the Bladen County Schools agrees to provide the CONTRACTOR’S personnel with timely, direct access to the Director of Special Education. The Bladen County Schools shall also provide the CONTRACTOR with a two-week notice prior to each student’s IEP meeting. The Bladen County Schools agrees to provide (or arrange for the provision of) assistive devices (balls, bolsters, etc.), and large items such as standing tables, prone or supine standers, splints, etc. And the Bladen County Schools shall be responsible for providing student transportation when deemed necessary.
  10. Child Nutrition Products and Services Bids – Annual bid process for foods, products, and services.
  11. AIG Identification Amendment – Achievement assessments used for AIG identification.
  12. 2021 -2022 Board Meeting Schedule – Monthly meeting schedule

Action Items

  1. State the terms of Carter settlement – There were three claims including claims of race discrimination, retaliation, and hostile work environment.  Two of the three claims were dismissed leaving only the Hostile Work Environment Claim; attorneys mediated a settlement in which the Bladen County Schools’ Board would pay Carter $4500, with no admissions of liability; Carter has dismissed all claims against the Bladen County Schools’ Board and the settlement has been paid to Carter.
  2. School Reopening Plan for 2021 – 2022 presented by Dr. Atkinson for Board approval; Board approved unanimously.
  3. Remote Instruction Plan for 2021-2022 presented by Dr. Atkinson for Board approval; Board approved unanimously.
  4. Discussion and selection of CM at Risk – presented by Rusty Worley for Board approval. After discussion by the Board, the motion passed – four Yes (Clark, Edwards, Benton, Carroll), one No (Singletary), two Abstain (McKoy, Rozier), two Absent (Rhoda, West).

Closed Session – To go into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel, as per NCGS 143.318.11(a), to consult with an attorney, if needed, as per NCGS 143.318.11(a)(3), and to discuss student reassignment and student discipline as per the 1974 Family Rights and Privacy Act.

  1. Certified / Classified Personnel – presented by Dr. Beatty for Board approval; Board approved unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report

  1. Our Summer Learning Program is off to a good start. Camp ASPIRE had an average of 860 students to attend last week at all four sites. The program will continue through Friday, July 2.
  2. We will need to have a special-called Board meeting on Monday, June 28, at 5:30 PM, for the purpose of closing out the budget for the 2020-2021 school year.
  3. We are working on collecting supply lists for next school year to go ahead and get these out to families. We will also return back to our approved policy for school uniforms for the 2021- 2022 school year.
  4. As shared tonight, Senate Bill 654 is making progress through both chambers. The reopening plan and remote learning plan approved tonight referenced this legislation. Other areas of interest in this legislation include:
    1. a waiver of the school performance grades for the 2020-2021 school year due to assessment data being heavily impacted by COVID-19
    2. proposed delay in implementing the social studies standards changes until the 2022-2023 school year
    3. proposed delay in Kindergarten legislation for the average class size to remain at 20 rather than 18, which was scheduled to be in place this year.
  5. NC Education Corps – we have applied and Bladen has been selected as one of the inaugural districts to participate.

About: NC Education Corps, launched as a joint project of the North Carolina State Board of Education, the Office of the Governor’s Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service, and local public schools is now an independent nonprofit. We match hardworking, service-oriented North Carolinians with opportunities to make a life-changing difference in the lives of young students across the state. Corps members commit to nine months of part-time, paid service as high-impact early literacy tutors. Participating public schools hire corps members to work directly with K-3 students during the school day. NCEC recruits community college and university students, recent college graduates, retirees, and adults who are actively engaged in their community.

We include a special focus on recruiting students from universities and community colleges with teacher prep programs. We hope young corps members consider a career in public education and public service after working with NCEC and our school partners.

After no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:36 PM.

The next regular monthly meeting will be held on July 19, 2021 at 6:00 PM.

Video of the meeting:


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