Thoughts While Shaving
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I am one fortunate individual … not wealthy, just an ordinary senior citizen with life-long friends.

One of my dear friends is my senior by double digits years … befriended me when I moved to Elizabethtown in the early ’60s. Over the years we occasionally ‘just go for a ride’, mostly in Bladen, but we have expanded our scope on occasions…

We recently discussed a day for another visit, and recently we ‘went for another ride’. Neither with any idea where the ride may lead to, just a ride. When I arrived at his residence, I expect him to get in my car and we decide the direction we wanted to travel … neither knowing what the other was thinking … When I drove into his driveway, he was waiting and his first words were, ‘if you are not afraid of my driving, I would like to drive’ … No problem … now I will not share the age of either, but our combined years total almost 180 … No sir, I replied. No problem here … So, we departed the scene, no idea where we may ‘wind up’.

We traveled through Bladenboro, he had not observed the area recently where new construction will begin soon. From there we decided to revisit storm ravaged Fair Bluff, where we had been several months ago, after the town was flooded … And we did, then headed south into South Carolina, drove through a couple of counties and towns, back into North Carolina at Fairmont, on to Lumberton where we stopped for a snack and back home.

Great conversation, enjoyed the company of each other and back home at a decent time … time for ‘down time’ for both. How fortunate can I be … Helped me forget about losing my credit card earlier this week … and all the confusion associated with that…

Looking forward to a time in the future … for another such outing … I am among men mostly richly blessed…

Best friends make good times better and hard times easier!

Fight for you. Respect you. Include you. Encourage you. Need you. Deserve you. Stand by you.

A faithful friend is the medicine of life.

robert g hester

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