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Today, Dr. Teresa Duncan, Bladen Health and Human Service Director, released the COVID-19 Update. The deaths and hospitalizations related to COVID-19 have increased.

On Monday, June 21, Bladen County reported four related hospitalizations and 42 related deaths in their COVID-19 Update. The positive percentage in the county was at 11.7%.

A day later, the COVID-19 numbers jump higher in Bladen County. On today’s local health department report, there are now ten COVID-19 related hospitalizations and 43 related deaths, with the positive percentage increasing to 12.7%.

The percentage of positive COVID-19 cases for the State is 2.7%, leaving citizens wondering why Bladen County positive cases in the double digits?

According to Dr. Duncan, the increase in COVID-19 can not be isolated to any event or gathering.

Dr. Duncan said, “We are the highest positivity in the state and have been for about a week. Consistently this month, we have been between three to five times higher than the state.”

Some speculate “Spring fever” may be to blame. Many have admitted to experiencing an increase in the restlessness that usually comes with this season, but say it feels more intense since the COVID-19 Pandemic has required many to social distance.

Health care providers remind everyone, the Pandemic is not over. Dr. Duncan said,”It’s not time to let our guard down. We need to get people vaccinated.”


In addition to fever, cough, and shortness of breath, the CDC says symptoms of COVID-19 may also include chills, headache, muscle pain, sore throat, and a new loss of taste. If you are sick please stay home.

Dr. Duncan reminds the public that rapid testing is still available at the health department Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm.

Please practice social distancing, wear a mask, perform good hand washing, and get vaccinated.


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