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by Blake Proctor

Calling the August 3rd Council meeting to order at 6 pm, Mayor Sam Allen began the meeting by leading the Pledge to the Flag, and then provided the invocation. As everyone sat, he announced that Councilmember Angie Hall was excused absent.

There were no comments from the public.

As there was no meeting in July, the minutes from both the June 8th regular meeting and the June 22nd budget public hearing and special meeting adopting the budget were approved.

Additionally the twelve-month Fiscal Year 2020-2021 finance report for June and the first finance report for FY 2021-2022 were reviewed and approved.

There was no Old Business to undertake; under New Business, however, the Council approved a budget amendment to account for the first of two American Relief Plan (ARP) payments. This half-receipt is for $16,526.25; the other half will be paid in January, for a total ARP distribution of $33,052.50.

Mayor Allen updated the Council on the mosquito spraying, saying that the sprayer has been calibrated and the first spraying has already occurred; with all the rain that’s been happening, a heavy spraying will need to be undertaken as soon as the rain tapers off, and there are several dry days.

Wayne Johnson, owner of Wayne’s Wheels on NC87 has requested he be allowed to erect a billboard sign at his business. There is some confusion as to whether that establishment is actually within the town limits, and who has the authority to permit the project. The Mayor will talk with County Planning Director Greg Elkins.

In a final piece of business, it was determined that the mowing contract is up for renewal. Mayor Allen and Town Clerk Tara Nichols will review the contract and bring an update before the Board at the September meeting for their review.

With all business concluded, the meeting adjourned at 6:47 pm

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